A Space for the Unbound: A Narrative Game Full of Nostalgia and Emotion Set in 90s Indonesia

Developed by Mojiken Studio, A Space for the Unbound is a narrative adventure game that successfully blends a deep story with a unique 1990s Indonesia setting. With beautiful pixel art graphics and strong emotional themes, the game has captured the hearts of players both in Indonesia and internationally.



5/8/20243 min read

The Story of Two Teenagers and Supernatural Powers Amid Life's Challenges

In A Space for the Unbound, players follow the journey of two main characters, Atma and Raya, two teenagers living in a small town in Indonesia during the 1990s. They face extraordinary challenges and concerns: supernatural powers and a mysterious event threatening their town. Wrapped in themes of love, friendship, and self-identity, the game invites players to understand the emotional journey of its characters as they face the impending end of the world.

The story is incredibly strong with meaningful dialogues that touch the heart. For many players, this story revives memories of their youth, making A Space for the Unbound not just a game, but an experience filled with emotions and introspection.

Stunning Pixel Art Visuals

One of the main attractions of A Space for the Unbound is its stunning pixel art style. Mojiken Studio successfully brings to life the atmosphere of a small Indonesian town with beautiful details—from small shops, stalls, to trees and the signature blue sky. Each environment in the game is crafted carefully to create an authentic nostalgic vibe, making players feel as if they are truly in 1990s Indonesia.

These visuals are not only aesthetic but also support the emotional atmosphere of the story. With smooth color combinations and detailed animations, the warm ambiance of the town and the expressive characters make the gameplay experience feel more personal.

Exploration and Puzzle Solving Gameplay

A Space for the Unbound offers an exploration-based gameplay where players are invited to explore various locations, chat with NPCs, and solve puzzles related to the story. Simple mechanics such as talking to other characters and solving light puzzles give players an opportunity to dive deeper into the story.

There is no fast action or combat in this game. Instead, the more relaxed gameplay allows players to focus on the narrative and enjoy the visual details and the atmosphere built by Mojiken Studio.

Positive Reception from the International Community

Despite being set in Indonesia with many local cultural elements, A Space for the Unbound has received widespread attention from the international gaming community. Its universal story about self-discovery and friendship, along with its unique art style, has attracted players from various countries. Thanks to this broad support, the game continues to receive updates and additional content, keeping it relevant and engaging even after its initial release.

Why Is A Space for the Unbound Worth Playing?

A Space for the Unbound is a unique game because it successfully blends a local setting with a universal story. This game is perfect for players who enjoy strong narratives, detailed pixel art visuals, and an emotionally evocative gameplay experience. For those who want to enjoy a nostalgic Indonesian atmosphere or simply seek a game with a deep storyline, A Space for the Unbound is an excellent choice.


With a blend of emotional storytelling, beautiful visuals, and a nostalgic atmosphere, A Space for the Unbound is proof that the Indonesian gaming industry can produce high-quality works worthy of competing on the global stage. Mojiken Studio has delivered an authentic and profound experience, bringing Indonesia's name to the international gaming community. For those seeking an emotionally touching gameplay experience, A Space for the Unbound is a game not to be missed.


  1. Apa itu A Space for the Unbound?
    Game petualangan naratif dari Mojiken Studio yang menceritakan dua remaja dengan kekuatan supranatural di Indonesia era 90-an.

  2. Siapa karakter utamanya?
    Atma dan Raya, dua remaja yang menghadapi kekuatan supranatural dan masalah hidup.

  3. Apa yang membuat game ini unik?
    Visual pixel art, latar Indonesia 90-an, dan cerita emosional tentang persahabatan dan pencarian jati diri.

  4. Bagaimana gameplay-nya?
    Eksplorasi dan pemecahan puzzle, tanpa pertempuran, fokus pada narasi.

  5. Apakah cocok untuk pemain internasional?
    Ya, dengan tema universal yang dapat dinikmati berbagai kalangan.

  6. Di mana bisa didapatkan?
    Tersedia di Steam dan beberapa konsol.

  7. Apakah game ini diperbarui?
    Ya, Mojiken Studio terus merilis pembaruan dan konten tambahan.

  8. Mengapa game ini penting bagi industri Indonesia?
    Game ini menunjukkan potensi besar developer Indonesia dalam menciptakan karya berkualitas untuk pasar global.